Rev. Hubert Chau 周炳蔭牧師

Transitional Senior Pastor 暫委主任牧師


Rev Dr Hubert Chau was born and raised in Hong Kong. He accepted Christ as his personal Saviour when he was studying in England in 1980. In 1997, Pastor Hubert responded God’s calling to study at Canadian Theological Seminary. In 2004, he resigned his professional engineer position from an Oil and Gas plant to become a full-time pastor at SEAC. He was ordained in 2007. From 2015 to 2021, Pastor Hubert and his wife Portia were commissioned by the C&MA Global Mission and SEAC as IWs and deployed to a Creative Access Country in Asia. During his ministry service, Pastor Hubert continued to study at Gateway Seminary in the US and was awarded with a Doctor of Ministry degree. From 2021, he is also teaching at Ambrose Seminary as a sessional instructor in Calgary. Pastor Hubert and his wife Portia have two adult sons. The elder son got married in July 2023.


周炳蔭牧師出生於香港,在英國留學期間信主。1997年蒙召,放下石油化工工程師資格,一路上進修神學。畢業於加拿大神學院,在2004年全時間在城南堂事奉。2007年被按立為牧師。從2015年到2021年期間,周牧師與師母被宣道總會與城南堂差派往亞洲地區作宣教工作。在事奉期間,周牧師繼續進修。於2016畢業於美國Gateway Seminary(前身為金門浸信會神學院),取得教牧學博士學位。在2021年開始,周牧師也於部份時間在卡加利恩道神學院任客席老師。周牧師與師母育有兩個成年孩子。長子於2023年7月結婚。


周炳荫牧师出生于香港,在英国留学期间信主。 1997年蒙召,放下石油化工工程师资格,一路上进修神学。 毕业于加拿大神学院,在2004年全时间在城南堂事奉。 2007年被按立为牧师。 从2015年到2021年期间,周牧师与师母被宣道总会与城南堂差派往亚洲地区作宣教工作。 在事奉期间,周牧师继续进修。 于2016毕业于美国Gateway Seminary(前身为金门浸信会神学院),取得教牧学博士学位。 在2021年开始,周牧师也于部份时间在卡加利恩道神学院任客席老师。 周牧师与师母育有两个成年孩子。 长子于2023年7月结婚。


Pastor Breanna Sinclair